Zehra Öney
Event Mobil ve Dijital Teknolojiler

Hollywood Silikon Vadisi ile Buluşuyor: Valleywood 2015!

Geçtiğimiz sene 8-9 Ekim’de Los Angeles’ta düzenlenen ve pazarlamacılar, yenilikçiler ve içerik yaratıcılarını bir araya getiren ve büyük beğeni toplayan Valleywood, bu yıl İstanbul’da düzenlenecek!

16 Eylül’de (yarın) Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi’nde yer alan The Seed’de düzenlenecek olan Valleywood 2015, sektörden pek çok önemli uluslararası ve yerel uzmanı ağırlayacak.

İçerik yaratıcıları, yenilikçiler ve pazarlamacıların birbirleri ile yakın çalışmaları gerektiğini, hatta şimdiki dönemde buna daha çok ihtiyaç duyduklarının bilinciyle hareket eden Valleywood, markaların nasıl her zaman açık içerik stratejileri geliştirebileceklerini, her zaman yenilik ve önemli iş birlikleri için bir gözlerini açıkta tutarken en üst yetenekleri nasıl fark edebileceklerini, yarının içeriğini bugünden nasıl yaratıp paylaşabilecekleri gibi soruları detaylı inceleyip tartışarak cevaplar arıyor. “Hollywood Meets Silicon Valley: A Marketer’s Lens” dünyanın benzersiz ve en yenilikçi düşünce insanlarına etkileyici bir deneyim sunuyor.

Benim de Blippar Türkiye CEO’su olarak katılacağım ve konuşmacılarından olduğum ve 15.10 ila 15.30 arasında “How Do New Technologies Transform The Way We Tell Stories And Enhance Content Marketing” başlıklı sunumumu yapacağım Valleywood 2015 ile ilgili daha detaylı bilgilere http://www.valleywood2015.com adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.

1 gün sürecek olan Valleywood 2015’in programı ise şöyle:

9:15: Welcome & Opening

SMG Vision

Agenda Overview For ValleyWood.

The Challenges Of Brands, Content Owners And Producers In The Era Of Velocity Marketing

İnanç Dedebaş, SMG Turkey CEO & Olivier Gers, LiquidThread Global President

9:30 Opening Keynote

Understanding The Visual Brain, Its Limitations And Its Capabilities, And Its Interaction With The World

Dr. Beau Lotto, Neuroscientist & Founder, Lotto Lab

10:00 The Shape of Things to Come

Connections are the currency of the digital age; people to people, people to machines and machine-to-machines. As a result, our most valuable asset is our attention. Get enlightened by a look at how companies built on attention through an always-on connected culture are winning.

Jeremy Abbett Creative Evangelist, Google

10:25 Rysing Power of Fandom in Turkey

Exploring Dynamics and Motivations of Multiscreen Fan Communities ; How Always-On Connected Culture Can Shape & Evolve Brand Experiences

Moderator: Ferda Tarakçıoğlu Erdem, Managing Director LiquidThread Turkey,

Bestem Büyüm, Head of Analytics Kimola

Rana/RaniniTV, Content Publisher § Crytic

11:20 The Future Of Entertaınment Brought To You By The Real Stars Of Today

Content creation and therefore entertainment has gone through a sismic shift in the past years. What are we really watching and how! MakerStudios the global leader in short entertainment will showcase how it sees this wonderful evolution unwinding!

Robbie Douek, Managing Director, Europe| Maker Studios

11:45 How To Work With A New Age Of Talents: MCN?

Local Youtube Stars Discuss What The New Landscape Means For Them and Symbiotic Relationship Between Content and Distribution and The Imperative Need For Authenticity

Moderator: Alp Refik, Auto & CPG Industry Leader, Google Turkey

YouTube Stars: Sokak Röportajları & Merve Özkaynak

12:15 Makenextnow: Startup Session

The participants of the panel will be introduced to BUBA portfolio startups. The revolution taking place in publishing, advertising and social media will be discussed by the panelists

Moderator: Timuçin Bilgör, Chairman BUBA,

Sercan Işık , Co Founder Scorp

Oğuzhan Urulu, Co-Founder Whispto

Mehmet İnhan – Founder, CEO

Boğaç Say, Director Nars Media

13:45 Past, Present And Future – It’s All About Content

Sam Kline, Director Business Development, VICE Media

14:15 Everything Competes With Everythıng: Telling Stories That Matter Most

We live in a world where every piece of content we’ve ever loved is available at our fingertips. And more stories are being created every minute. What does this mean for the days of a nation or a culture having a shared moment – all together – around a great story of our time? Jen Louis, Global Creative Strategy for Facebook and Instagram will share the opportunity to connect people to your story through identifying what matters most to them – and the chance to recreate a zeitgeist in our culture today.

Jen Louis, Global Creative Strategy, Facebook + Instagram

14:40 How Digital Is Defining The Way Producers And Studıos Approach And Roll Out New Entertainment Formats

Why partnerships, technology and distribution has changed the game for theatrical marketing and the opportunities that lie ahead? How Have The Audiences Changed? How Producers Face The New Reality of Emerging Formats That Center On The Creation And Shareability Of Content That Not Only Attracts TV Audiences, But That Also Seamlessly Extends Its Lifespan Across Multiple Screens? How Are They Building New Formats For The Multi-Screen Turkish Audience?

Moderator: Ferda Tarakçıoğlu Erdem, Managing Director LiquidThread Turkey,

Gökhan Tatarer, Managing Director Endemol Turkey,

Zümrüt Arol Bekçe, General Manager BKM

15:10 How Do New Technologies Transform The Way We Tell Stories And Enhance Content Marketing

New technologies are evolving the way marketers interact with the consumer. In the 24/7 connected world, how can we quench the curiosity, and provide enhanced always on content.

Zehra Öney, Blippar Turkey CEO

15:50 Social UGC, How Brands Can Act More Like Publishers

We’ll discuss process for finding, verifying and acquiring the best social content on the web and how marketers and media have made UGC work for them.

Michael Sadicario Chief Revenue Officer, Storyful

16:10 Power To The People: The Key Role Of Influencers At The Evolving Paid Content Era?

Evergreen content contributes enormously to the brands that are looking for effective means to leverage Paid Content while connecting meaningfully with their consumers. In our session, we will briefly discuss how Bloggers have become powerful marketing resources in content creation.

Moderator: Emre Faks, Digital Advertising & Advertising Solutions Lead Hürriyet

Billur Saatçi, Fashion Blogger

Tümay Öztürk , Food Blogger

Hamza Şamlıoğlu, Technology Blogger

16:40 Esport, Next Frontıer For Brands To Connect With Millenials

As Gaming Industry Expanding In Turkey, Esport Becomes New Normal In Millenials Life. We’ll be discussing opportunities for brands to connect with this emerging sport fans and how they can improve esport content and experience with strong partnerships.

Moderator: Mehmet Koyuncuoğlu, Starcom Turkey Managing Director

Bora Koçyiğit, Senior Manager, eSports & Business Development Riot Games Turkey

17:00 Key Takeouts & Closing: Velocıty, Pace & Purpose

LiquidThread’s New Vision, Capabilities And Solutions To Client Challenges

Olivier Gers, LiquidThread Global President

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